Dear Reader,
When readers started to worry about the market sell-off in 2022…
Dylan recorded this 4-minute video on what to expect, and how to make money from that sell-off…
Those who took his advice then, could have ridden the Dow from around 30,000 to over 40,000, and individual stocks even higher.
You can make a lot of money in market downturns.
In fact, Dylan’s made most of his money from market crashes.
BUT, you can’t make money if you’re panicking!
That’s why Dylan put together this 4-step playbook to profit:
Step 1. Don’t panic.
Break the world down into
1) things I can control and
2) things outside of my control.
Everything the market does, is outside my control. The only thing I can control is how I react to that.
Step 2. Sit down and write a shopping list of stocks.
Sit down and write a list of your favorite stocks – the stocks you feel like you’ve missed out on.
If you’ve sat on the sidelines and watched Amazon, Apple, Google explode over the years…
Whatever your favorite stocks are – if you’ve been priced out, you’re going to get an opportunity to buy amazing companies at their best prices in years.
But you gotta be ready, so…
Step 3: Sell whatever stocks are keeping you up at night.
As a young trader on Wall Street, one stock in particular was keeping Dylan up at night – it’s up, he’s excited; it’s down, he’s anxious.
At a party one day he told another trader about the stock keeping him up at night, and the old timer told him, “well, sell it down to your sleeping level.”
And he’s taken this advice personally and shared it with his readers since.
You shouldn’t own any share above what will get you a good night’s sleep.
If you own 1,000 shares and it’s keeping you up at night, sell it down to 500 or 200 – whatever number will let you get a good night’s sleep.
And finally…
Step 4: Get ready to pounce.
It’s the playbook Dylan learned from old-timers before him and it’s the playbook that he puts into practice every time the market crashes.
That is how he’s done so well.
You can take $10,000 before the market crash, and invest after the crash and turn it into $100,000.
You can take that $100,000 into the next crash and turn it into $1 million…
You can take that $1 million and turn it into $5 million.
This is the playbook for making serious wealth.
Dylan’s put together an expanded version of the playbook with even more specific details on which stocks to sell and buy for the next market crash, which you can get here.
Sadly, starting as soon as November 6th, he predicts the S&P 500 will crash 50%.
This is the best way to prepare your family for what’s next.
At this time, we’re only sharing this with Diary readers – please – take a look and let us know what you think.
“The Buck Stops Here”
P.S. Dylan predicted The Great Recession a year in advance, and then went on to make a fortune buying stocks at 2009 lows. You can see exactly what Dylan’s predicting now right here.