Gold’s unstoppable rise is signaling danger

Today I want to talk about gold

Gold is signaling a warning!

We need to pay attention to this.


Biden Admin Hiding Real Reason for Gold’s Historic Rise

The Biden Administration just made this shocking admission: The U.S. Dollar is Toast.

And Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen confessed that nations around the world will continue to dump the U.S. dollar…
If you have any money in U.S. dollars, go here now and see why you must move your cash before November 6th.


Yesterday gold hit another all-time high at $2,758 an ounce.

Spot gold’s up 30% this year.

Mohamed El-Erian, a thoughtful, serious man and economist wrote an article for The Financial Times: Why the west should be paying more attention to the gold price rise.

And he is right.

When gold has shot up this far, this fast, it’s always meant danger

It is like a lion roaring.

Imagine walking through a jungle at night and hearing a lion roar in the distance. 

Well, gold keeps rising, which means the roar is getting closer. Risks have gone up! 

This is a canary in the coal mine.

Gold rose like this before the 2000 dot-com crash …

Before The Great Recession …

Now, there are a couple of theories as to why this is happening.

Everybody who follows these things knows something bad is going to happen.

But is it the lion, or is it the silverback gorilla hanging behind the bushes there, or is it like a T-Rex (I’m mixing my metaphors – we’re going Jurassic Park here). 

What we do know is it’s signaling something dangerous.

There are a few popular theories, but here’s the worst-case:

Mohamed El-Erian’s theory is that the west – the U.S., Canada, Australia, U.K., France, etc. – should be very concerned because he believes gold’s rise is signaling an end to the U.S. dollar-based financial system. 

He believes people are looking to use gold as an alternative.

Now, this is something that we started talking about at Behind the Markets a couple years back, after Joe Biden froze Russia’s reserves upon invading Ukraine …

That it makes sense for countries like China to create an offshore currency and to back that currency with gold.

And that’s exactly what’s happening.

China and other central banks have been buying TONS of gold this year alone.

And China, the BRICS countries, are meeting right now in Russia.

And we know they’re talking about – in Putin’s own words: “A New World Order.”

Right now, China, Russia, Iran, North Korea are countries we call revisionist powers. Because they want to revise the world order. 

Revisionist powers are the ones that start wars and try to change the global system in a way that suits them.

This is what Winston Churchill used to call the great game

The great power competition between countries and blocs of countries. 

So the BRICs countries, specifically now China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran – are trying to widen their alliance.

They’re trying to bring in other countries like Indonesia, etc. in forming an alternate currency for trade.

It is very likely, as we predicted, that gold will be a big part of that, which is why China has been buying so much.

And that is basically what Mohamed El-Erian is saying … 

That the United States’ dollar-based international financial system is under attack and that gold is the canary in the coal mine.

The rise of gold has historically been a warning for inflation, interest rates, etc. 

And while everything looks fine on the surface right now, we’re looking at the game behind the game – inside baseball – and gold is surely signaling a warning.

If it’s signaling the end of the U.S. dollar-based financial system we’ve counted to make us the richest country the world has ever seen …

Ladies and gentlemen, that would be worse for the United States than losing any war.

Hear me when I tell you…

If half the world moves away from a U.S. dollar-based financial system, we will immediately be 25% poorer.

Imagine everything you own gets cut by 25%.

Having the dollar as the world’s reserve currency has magical benefits for us most people don’t even understand.

Now I know I’ve been talking about this for a while.

I also imagine some of you may be sick of hearing about it after a year and a half, two years. 

But somebody has to ring the bell. 

We’re talking about the country we pass down to our children.

I feel as a parent, as a citizen, as the guy who has an American flag hanging out in front of his house – it is my obligation. 

I’m 52 years old – if it’s not my obligation to ring the bell on these warnings, whose is it? 

It is my generation’s responsibility to talk about this stuff, which is why I started making these videos in the first place, putting myself out there. 

(Which anybody who knows me knows is incredibly uncomfortable for me. But I decided to keep calm and carry on, buck up and do it.)

So this is top of mind for me today – what is gold’s stunning rise warning us about? 

Is it the lion roaring, is it the T-Rex? Is it an ape?

Any of those things are not good for us. 

But losing the dollar as the world’s reserve currency is by far the worst. Here’s what that looks like.

We could handle a stock market crash. 

If gold’s just running up because the stock market’s about to crash – fine – we can deal with that. 

This is what we do – that’s the scenario that I’m really a great operator in, when markets crash.

But I’ve never operated in a world where the dollar wasn’t the world’s reserve currency and neither have you.

So we would have to throw out every playbook we have and introduce an entirely new playbook which would take a long time to learn. Here’s the first few steps.

I apologize for the length of this rant. But this is just incredibly important and not enough people understand it, let alone talk about it.

Thanks for hearing me out.

“The Buck Stops Here,”

P.S. Both President Trump and Elon Musk have warned, this would be ‘worse than losing any war.’

I agree – 100%. That’s why I wrote, “China Attacks the U.S. Dollar: 3 Steps to Take to Prepare for Economic War.”

Get your copy here now >>>

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