Dear Reader,
This is my last Dylan’s Diary video before I leave for my annual summer vacation.
Before I go, in today’s video, I leave you with an update on where we stand with all our investment plans.
This year I’m going to Greece.
One of the things I want to teach my children is to be proud of American history.
One thing I hope they inherit from me is an understanding of American history and Western history.
So that they understand how important it has been for us throughout history in the West to fight for freedom and democracy.
These are very important things for me to pass down to my children. Every summer that’s the approach we’ve taken.
So this year, we are heading to the birthplace of democracy.
And you know, I like sharing some of this history with you as well, as it relates to investing.
We started Dylan’s Diary on June 24th – my team had been urging me for a while to record these daily videos to connect with our customers more.
I was hesitant because I think to myself, do you really need another talking head in your life?
My team insisted: “you have a good way of explaining things and it might help your customers and people understand more where you’re coming from if you really try to explain some of these massive things that are happening at this time in our country’s history.”
So I signed up to try it.
And the idea was, we’re going to record it until I go to Greece, and we’re going to see if this experiment has any legs.
For better or worse, it seems to have legs.
We’ve gotten a lot of great feedback so far.
So while I probably won’t be recording anything new until I come back, the good news is, my team is going to send you my most-popular content you may not have seen…
And when I get back, I’m going to be recording them again!
Because they’ve been a hit – much to my surprise.
I would have done this a long time ago if I’d known it would have been so well received.
I thought, “OMG, I wear black t-shirts every day, blah blah blah” …
But when I got my ego out of the way and thought about how to best serve our customers, our members, then I was able to start recording these videos.
‘Cause it ain’t about me; it’s about you. And it’s about us going through this together.
And I feel pretty good about how I leave here to go on this vacation – you know, this year we’ve sold a lot of stocks.
We also have great stocks in our current portfolios – but only the best of the best.
————- Investor Notice ————–
Wells Fargo just published a list of their top biotech takeover targets for 2024, and four of our recommendations are on the list.
We just closed out our last biotech takeover target for a 449% gain..
…so download this list of four stocks asap.
We’ve “weeded our garden” so we’re well-positioned to enjoy this rally while it still happens. But we’ve also raised cash to recognize all the dangers that are rising, especially leading up to the election.
The next 100 days are so very important.
And I feel really good about our portfolios right now.
A lot of folks have written in to say, what about other stock opportunities?
And my answer has been, look, you gotta play the ball where it is, not where you want it to be…
Because the dangers and the risks have risen so much in contrast with this bull market, you say to yourself, how do I do this? How do I position both sides of this?
Well, you sell your weaker stuff. You hold onto your best stuff so you can still ride that bull market.
And in terms of new ideas, only first-tier ideas are acceptable to me now. No second-tier ideas when the danger level rises to where it is now.
Anything I’m recommending now is filtered extremely well. I’m only bringing the best of the best…
Companies like Grail which we love and which has been up big this week.
So yes, for those who have asked, there are other stock opportunities.
In our current environment, I especially like my “Skim” strategy. It’s a Warren Buffett favorite and one of mine, too. You can read about it right here.
Lastly, I leave you by saying thank you.
The warm, positive feedback and letters we’ve gotten from you remind me why I’m doing this. It’s not about me. It’s about us going on this journey together.
It’s about you and you’ve trusted us to help guide you through what looks like rocky times leading up to and through the election.
So I just want to say, thank you for trusting us, on behalf of the whole team here at Behind the Markets, and a lot of people work to get this out to you.
It means a lot that you’ve trusted us to help guide you through this.
I am a humble steward of your trust and I am grateful for the opportunity to share some of my experience with you as we continue.
I’ll see you on the flipside of my trip and start recording these videos daily again.
Until next time…
“The Buck Stops Here,”
P.S. I wanted to personally invite you to test our all-weather “income engine.”
With a near-100% success rate since 2020, it’s become my #1 income “secret weapon.”