Dear {$esp_first_name|default:”Reader”},
Good morning. Happy Wednesday!
I hope you guys woke up on the right side of the bed today.
I know I sure did.
We had a killer, killer webinar yesterday, where we talked about the massive opportunity likely to come because of Trump’s deregulation of takeovers.
As incredible as this opportunity is, in today’s Diary video I offer you a warning:
Here’s one of the big points that’s important to remember…
When it comes to the opportunity we’re about to see in takeovers, remember how expensive the stock market as a whole is.
Right now, Trump has entered office, inheriting the most expensive stock market in history.
To give you an idea of just how expensive it is, let’s look at the Shiller P/E ratio, created by Robert Shiller, the famous and very smart Yale University professor.
It’s the most reliable P/E ratio out there because it looks back a decade and takes inflation into account.
So, it’s better than just a standard P/E ratio.
And when you look at the Shiller ratio, the P/E ratio professional investors use…
Stocks are now 83% more expensive than when Bill Clinton took office.
They’re 145% more expensive than when Obama took office.
They’re actually, shockingly, four times more expensive than when Reagan took office.
They’re even a third pricier than when Trump took office the first time.
And even more concerning, the market is now 50% more expensive than when Herbert Hoover took office. The roaring 20’s! (Right before The Great Depression)
So we are dealing in, factually, the most expensive stock market in U.S. history.
It’s something that you really need to understand.
So, what do you do when you’re faced with the most expensive stock market in history and you want to make money?
Well, you don’t really want to buy an S&P index fund.
Because again, unless you’re thinking 20, 30 years down the road – not to knock it – it’s a great place to park your investment dollars for the long-term if you don’t have to worry about a crash hitting and wiping out retirement funds you need soon…
But for people who are actually looking for opportunities in the stock market, what are you gonna do?
Buy Google?
Buy Meta?
Buy Apple?
I mean, it’s just kind of ridiculous…
Those trades are done.
The AI trade’s basically done.
The quantum trade’s over.
The future is priced in already.
So where do you look for special opportunities?
Well, we talked about this on our webinar yesterday…
The place to find big opportunity right now is in takeovers.
Because with the stock market so expensive, these large companies can use their high stock prices to acquire smaller companies.
See, high stock prices mean you have extra currency.
And so that’s ingredient #1 for a takeover boom – corporations loaded up with cash.
Ingredient #2 is pent-up demand. The Biden administration has been suppressing takeover deals for the past four years.
And ingredient #3 is an incoming administration that is going to be very, very pro-deal.
So we expect to see an explosion in takeover deals.
That’s why just yesterday we released our top three deals we think are extremely likely to happen.
One is a company Amazon tried to buy.
One’s a company NVIDIA tried to buy.
And one’s a company that held takeover talks with a couple of big pharma giants.
And we think that these are right on deck.
They’re right on the runway.
We believe they’re most likely to just take off in the coming days, weeks, and months.
So we’re very, very excited about this.
I hope you’ll join us.
I feel certain we’re gonna deliver the goods this year.
I mean, we’ve had a near-100% win-rate through all kinds of markets and administrations, but just to give you an idea…
The last time we had a takeover environment this rich, this compelling, was in 2018, when Trump was in office.
We won takeover after takeover…
90% in 63 days on Tesoro,
Over 70% in 3 days on Loxo,
148% on Array in a morning… to name a few.
And these all happened within a few months of each other.
It just kind of went ballistic.
So we invite you to join us.
We’re going to have a lot of fun and we believe we’re going to have some great opportunities to make money.
Have a wonderful day.
“The Buck Stops Here,”
We showed our readers gains like 71% in 3 days, 82% in 16 days and 148% in one morning on takeovers during Trump’s first term.
And delivered a near 100% win-rate and 12X stock market returns for five years running, even under the Biden administration’s deal-killing FTC.
With Trump back at the helm, promising pro-business policies, we are in for a tsunami in mergers & acquisitions.
And our #1 Trump Trade for 2025 could more than double your money in a matter of days.
But our best offer shuts down just hours from now!