We’ve had such outrageous gains this year, it’s time to sell off some losers that just haven’t delivered the wins I hoped.
I’d like to switch gears a bit. Take you into more unchartered – and riskier – territory. But I think the upside is worth it – finally. I’m talking about Alzheimer’s disease. Let me explain.
It could be the biggest drug ever invented. But very few even know of its existence… yet. Even leading medical scientists have no idea. Because…well…who ever thought of using a “drug smuggler” to beat Alzheimer’s disease?

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We’ve had such outrageous gains this year, it’s time to sell off some losers that just haven’t delivered the wins I hoped.
I’d like to switch gears a bit. Take you into more unchartered – and riskier – territory. But I think the upside is worth it – finally. I’m talking about Alzheimer’s disease. Let me explain.
It could be the biggest drug ever invented. But very few even know of its existence… yet. Even leading medical scientists have no idea. Because…well…who ever thought of using a “drug smuggler” to beat Alzheimer’s disease?

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