“The biggest friggin’ thing that ever hit the world”

Dear Reader,

Happy Friday!

Today I want to circle back to the weight loss market because there are some absolutely unbelievable things happening in this space. Take a look:

First, Eli Lilly just reported that its weight loss drug basically reduced cardiovascular deaths by 38% compared to a placebo. That’s huge!

These weight loss drugs are starting to change the world in ways that most people really still don’t understand…

Right now, they’re being investigated for kidney disease, sleep apnea, diabetes, obviously, and a bunch of other things.

And they’re proving to be effective!

I haven’t seen a single trial where the drug hasn’t had a positive outcome no matter what’s being tested.

And look, let’s be real – as someone who’s struggled with weight my whole life, I can tell you right now you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to realize that losing weight is very, very helpful.

We’re seeing these drugs knock out so many things – and they’re still quite new.

One thing I’ve been thinking about a lot over the past few months, and I missed this – sure, I recommended Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk last year and we’re up over 100% in each position – but I admit:

I really didn’t understand the full ramifications of the knock-on effects that these drugs were going to have. I just knew they would be huge.

I was imagining influencers on TikTok and Instagram touting weight loss drugs and thought, “this is gonna be the biggest friggin’ thing that ever hit the world.”

What I didn’t understand was the ripple effects of how this is going to affect so many other things.

—48-Hour Warning—

NOTICE: This little-known calendar has delivered 121.76% average gains to date.

To celebrate, we’ve temporarily added a $500 credit to your account.

The only “catch” is that you must use this credit before it expires, which is in just 48 hours.

Claim your $500 credit here>>>


Here’s just a few of the funnier ones…

United Airlines came out and said they expect to save $80 million a year in fuel costs as people lose weight from Ozempic – that’s just if each person loses 10 pounds.

Walmart is saying Ozempic is making people buy less food – they’re actually seeing average ticket prices go down – which is crazy to me!

And even companies like Shockwave, which we did recommend – a company that makes artery surgery devices – was acquired by Johnson & Johnson and we closed it for a 43% gain…

But you know, weight-related surgeries are less needed now.

But think about it – we’re talking sleep apnea, kidney disease, diabetes…

… All the companies that make drugs to treat those conditions are at serious risk of getting muscled out of their own areas.

There are billions and billions of dollars generated around weight-related conditions.

So whether it’s Shockwave, older diabetes drugs, bariatric surgery – (those involved in bariatric surgery will get wiped out completely) – the future’s not looking so bright.

One of the other things I read the other day is that weight loss drugs like Ozempic are really just one way to attack the obesity epidemic in our country…

New innovations are coming:

One of the other ways has to do with sugar; there’s a whole new generation of biotech companies that are investigating ways you can add a molecule to sweets, like a Hershey bar, and basically the molecule breaks down the sugar so your body absorbs less of it!

You can see how in this battle against obesity these GLP-1 weight loss drugs are really just the first inning.

And the innovations coming in weight loss will have knock-on effects we can’t even comprehend yet.

There will be LOTS of winners…

Some we’ve picked already and some we’ll be rolling out soon – this is a huge megatrend we can play really for years to come that I believe will be tremendously profitable for our readers.

There will be losers, too!

So what I’m doing now is I’m going to be looking at losers, too – companies that we can either short or companies that are going to be forced to get acquired – companies like Shockwave which we picked before it was taken over by Johnson & Johnson for a gain.

We’ve done really well with our Biotech strategy, which has averaged 121.76% gains this year across all our trades.

To celebrate and to help more people gain access I’m doing something I rarely do – I’ve applied a $500 credit to your account as a Dylan’s Diary reader.

All you have to do to accept it is go right here.

But here’s the catch – I’ve opened this offer for a brief window and it’ll expire this weekend, so you just have 48 hours to take action.

If you’re too late you’ll see:


So don’t wait – claim your $500 credit here>>>

“The Buck Stops Here”

P.S. When you accept your $500 credit offer, we’re going to send you details on a tiny micro-cap that could soar 300%.

Get the name of the stock here >>>

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