The Trump Takeover Boom is kicking off now…

Dear {$esp_first_name|default:”Reader”},

Good morning,

Happy Tuesday!

January 21st – we officially have a new president, and I am very, very excited …

Because today, we also are going to do our “Trump Takeover” webinar at 1:00pm eastern.

[Go here right now to register.]

In this timely event, and in today’s Diary video, I talk about the biggest opportunity I see coming under Trump:

Now, the biggest opportunity isn’t where most people think.

It’s not even necessarily in the stock market.

In 2016, when Trump first took office, the market had a P/E of around 20.

Right now, the market already has a P/E of around 30.

The stock market is at all-time highs.

And Trump is already priced in.

So there’s not going to be that much movement in the market, in my view.

I think the biggest opportunity during the Trump administration is going to come from takeovers.

Remember you have three ingredients that are going to make this massive.

Corporations are sitting on tons of cash.

That’s ingredient number one.

Ingredient number two, you have a Biden administration that has blocked deals for the past four years…

Aggressively fought to shut down mergers.

And of course, number three, you have an incoming administration that is going to be very, pro-deal.

That’s why today at 1:00pm eastern we’re going to discuss the size of this opportunity…

Why it is so unique for our Takeover Targets strategy…

And we’re going to share three takeovers I believe will benefit very, very much from Trump’s administration being in office.

Each of the firms have already held takeover discussions with much larger businesses.

Two of the three have already had takeover offers that were blocked by the Biden Justice Department.

So, these are ones we believe are on the runway.

The Biden administration basically fought tooth and nail to block two of these tech deals.

One of them was an acquisition by Amazon and one was an acquisition by NVIDIA that they fought for two years to buy, but the Biden administration ultimately blocked them.

And the third was a company that held talks with a big pharma giant back in 2020 after the Biden administration took office that just didn’t go anywhere.

But look, this is not just my opinion that takeovers are going to be where it’s at in 2025…

Morgan Stanley CEO, Ted Pick, says this takeover pipeline is the strongest he’s seen in 5 to 10 years.

JPMorgan CFO Jeremy Barnum says, “there’s no question we’re in animal spirits with takeovers right now.”

Again, I talked about this yesterday…Citibank CEO Jane Fraser calls it “the big unlock.”

She says, “there’s a lot of pent-up demand for deals of a billion dollars plus.”

We are about to see an explosion of deals.

And again, the deals we’ll be talking about on our 1:00pm webinar have already had takeover offers at much higher prices than their stock prices…

All blocked by the Biden administration.

From companies like NVIDIA and Amazon.

These little companies being wooed by the big guys really have the goods…

And they’re going to become much more attractive assets now that you have a pro-business, pro-deal administration.

The Trump administration has promised a very light regulatory footprint.

So we’re beyond excited.

Today we’ll be sharing NVIDIA’s #1 takeover target, Amazon’s #1 takeover target, Gilead’s #1 takeover target.

You won’t want to miss these.

So make sure you click here now to register.

“The Buck Stops Here,”

P.S. There are market opportunities that so clear in hindsight, whether it’s Apple, Nvidia, Amazon…

That you kick yourself thinking, “I wish I had invested back then…”

I believe corporate takeovers under Trump will be one of those opportunities.

For five years running we’ve had a near-100% win-rate on takeovers, under both Trump and Biden.

For five years we’ve been able to beat the market 12-to-1 with this strategy.

And I believe the biggest and best of these are kicking off right now, today.

Make sure you register now for instructions to join us today at 1:00pm eastern time.

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