Dear {$esp_first_name|default:”Reader”},
Happy Friday!
This is the last Friday before Trump is sworn in as President on Monday, Inauguration Day.
So today, I’m answering the biggest question I’ve been asked since Trump won:
What do you think is going to be the biggest beneficiary in the markets?
Or, what sector, what area of the market do you think is going to win most or do best?
My answer is always the same.
—RSVP: The Biggest Trump Trade of 2025—
I believe Trump’s second term will hand investors the chance to lock in 20, 30, even 40 years’ of stock market gains.
That’s why we’re holding our first LIVE event of 2025 on Tuesday, January 21st at 1:00pm EST.
Attendance is 100% free, and guaranteed to be a lot of fun.
Reserve your spot now. Simply click here to RSVP “Yes.”
It’s going to be takeovers.
And to understand why it’s going to be takeovers you have to understand that the Biden administration has gone out of its way to block takeovers from happening.
Big companies, specifically, from buying smaller companies.
That’s been handled mostly by Lina Khan, who is running the FTC, and by the Biden Justice Department, which has basically put takeovers on chill.
“No takeovers! We are going to make you pay if you want to buy something!”
To understand exactly how difficult they’ve been and how much corporate America has tried to avoid takeovers…
On March 1st of 2023, we recommended a company to Takeover Targets readers called Seagen.
We recommended it at $179. Ten to twelve days later it was taken over by Pfizer at $229 a share.
That was a nice little win for us – 27-28% profit, which is great.
But Pfizer had to fight the FTC and the Justice Department to get that deal done.
They had to spend over a year fighting them!
And what Biden’s FTC and Justice Dept. were trying to do, was to force Pfizer to sell drugs at cheaper prices – other drugs they had that were well-established.
So Pfizer had to basically cut off three fingers just go get that deal done.
That telegraphed to corporate America that if you want to do a deal, you better be ready to give up fingers, a hand, or an arm.
You know what I mean?
So it really put a lot of pressure on takeovers.
The same thing happened with Horizon Therapeutics.
We recommended it at $101 and it was taken over by Amgen soon after that.
But basically, the FTC gave them a lot of trouble.
Another one we recommended, Activision, was taken over by Microsoft…
But I’ll never forget and those of you who were Takeover Targets members will remember this one – we had to wait like a year and a half for that deal to pay off.
The Biden Justice Department got so aggressive, they actually tried to pressure the EU to block the deal when it won approval in the U.S.
It was just insane.
The Biden administration really telegraphed to Wall Street: “No Deals.”
So companies sat back and didn’t do a lot of deals.
That leaves a LOT of pent-up demand.
For example, Big Pharma alone is sitting on almost a trillion dollars in firepower to do deals.
There is a lot of money and it’s going to be a race between all these companies that want to pick up these assets, buy these companies…
This will start a merger tsunami.
There is absolutely no doubt about that.
The Biden administration made it so difficult for takeovers to go through.
But despite that, we’ve maintained a 96% success rate in Takeover Targets.
From January 1, 2020 till today, 96% of the stocks we’ve recommended have won, with an average gain of 19% and an average hold period of just six weeks.
And that’s been mostly under the Biden Justice Department.
So even with Biden’s aggressive anti-merger stance, we’ve been killing it.
The effect it’s had on us is fewer mergers and smaller profits. So, what I see happening with this Trump boom, this coming M&A boom we’ll soon be seeing…
Is more activity and bigger profits.
We may even see bidding wars – companies wanting to one-up each other and buy these assets, these smaller companies.
So I am very excited about this.
Happy days are here again!
Again, even with Biden’s aggressive Justice Dept. we were killing it with a 96% success rate on all closed trades.
It’s just insane if I do say so myself.
But the big deal here is that Tuesday, January 21st, the day after Trump’s inauguration…
I am getting together with readers for a webinar to really show you the depth and breadth of this opportunity and answer your questions.
Because this is going to be truly historic.
All this pent-up demand built into the system.
We’re also going to share our best targets we believe are most likely to get taken over for big gains.
Once this “freeze,” for lack of a better word, is lifted… you can just imagine… so many companies, sitting on so much cash will just rush in and start buying.
Again, I believe we may see bidding wars, which will be very good for us.
My team is putting a registration link in here.
Here it is: Click here now to instantly register for The Trump Takeover Summit.
Again, we go live this-coming Tuesday, January 21st at 1:00pm EST.
Mark your calendar and be sure to click here to register.
Diary readers get first shot here at registration.
So sign up, mark your calendar, and let us take you behind the scenes.
It’s really going to be fun.
We’re going to show you what we’re seeing in terms of the scope and size of the opportunity.
The coolest thing about this is that nobody out there in our business is really talking about this.
Only yours truly – a takeover lunatic!
This is how I made my reputation on Wall Street.
It’s like finally getting a pitch right down our strike zone.
So, I’m really excited.
I hope you’ll join me. Just click here to register now.
See you Tuesday!
“The Buck Stops Here,”
P.S. We have a special gift for registrants who tune in live so please try to make it. Again, this coming Tuesday, 1pm EST. See you there!