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Breakthrough WealthAbove Average Return Opportunities with Micro-Caps
Breakthrough Wealth:
- Long-term Growth
- All Sectors
- Mid/Large Cap
Breakthrough Wealth is a valuable resource for the investor willing to take above-average risks for breakthrough returns in the stock market. Breakthrough Wealth provides research and analysis helping you to find big winners among tiny publicly traded companies and so-called microcaps. These types of companies may provide small investors an advantage over large institutional investors and mutual funds, which typically consider the stocks too small to research, monitor or invest in.
- Breakthrough Wealth looks for microcaps with market capitalizations ranging from $100 million to $1 billion. We look for companies that have fast revenue growth (20% annually or more), are currently profitable or will be in the near future, and most importantly, offer a unique product or service in fast-changing industries such as medical equipment or software.
- To limit risk, we suggest an investor keep no more than 5% of their overall stock portfolio assets in microcaps.
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